Wednesday, November 20, 2013

14A Time To De-Stress??

I don’t think anyone is more looking forward to this Thanksgiving break than I am. Although I would like to say that I won’t have any work to worry about over the break, I know that that isn’t true, but I am not going to let it consume me, and I am going to take some time for myself and to just unwind. One of the first things I am going to do is sleep in for as long as I can, for five days I am going to be sleeping past 8 in the morning, and it is something that I am actually looking forward to!!!

My goal is to get my work done ahead of time, so I can have as much time as possible to be with my family. I feel that I have been working so much that I barely have time to see any of them, which I hate because my family is a very close one. One thing that is a great stress reliever for me is being able to spend time with my 9 year old cousin Mikey. This kid so funny, but he what might sound strange some of you, he is actually an inspiration for me. I have never met any kid with an imagination greater than Mikey’s, every time I babysit him, he is always coming up with these creative and elaborate games that even when I was his age couldn’t come up!

My plan for this Thanksgiving break, is to not slack off on my work so I won’t have any stress, it is to take time for myself and to allow myself to take greater breaks, and focus on something that is more important, spending time with my family. I may come from a big Italian family when our dinners consist of everyone yelling across the table at each other, but oddly that is exactly what di-stresses me the most. 

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