Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11V The Road to Innovation

Innovation: 1) the action or process of innovating
                  2) a new method, idea, product, ect.
Vicissitude: a natural change or variation occurring in the course of something

Deviation: departure from a standard norm
               Innovation is all about progression, making the future more efficient. It all starts with an idea, but the key to being innovated is that that idea will be useful and that you are able to implement it, and make it a reality. I think that creativity really plays a role in innovation because some of the best ideas come from people who can think outside the box, but can also think of alternatives ways to solve a problem that may not be as obvious to someone else.
                Two other important words that I have heard about are vicissitude and deviation.  Vicissitude is basically the natural change that occurs, and I think this is important for us as college students because we are all going through changes that need to happen to help us grow as individuals, and I think that we need acknowledge it. The other word is deviation, and that is described as moving away from our normal standards. People become set in the ways that they have and eventually end up in a rut, I think that for a person to grow and become more well-rounded they need to get out of their comfortable zone and experience something that they would otherwise be hesitant to try.   

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