Tuesday, October 22, 2013

9B Midterm Refelction

                After looking at my midterm grades, I would say that I am very happy with where I am because as of right now my lowest grade is a B+. The reason why my grades are where I want them to be is because I am diligent about getting my work done and always try to put forward my best work. Yes the work that I do shows through with the grades that I have right now, but there are areas that a desperately need to improve on, and one of them would be, like everyone else, procrastination!! I tend to wait until the last minute to do some of my work, and fortunately it hasn't hurt me just yet, but it is only a matter of time until it does. I find that when I do give myself enough time to do something, it ends up not only being the best work that I have done, but something that I am proud of.

                Even though my grades are exactly where I want them to be, there are a few goals that I want to accomplish as the second half of the semester starts. For one I need to make sure that set a work schedule and make sure that I stick with it to eliminate any possibility of waiting until the last possible minute to get my work done. I also want to make sure that I am more organized, I know where everything is, but finding it in that place is a different story. I have folder for each of my class, and instead of just shoving stuff in there, I am going to try and make it go in chronological order so my papers are easy to find. I think seeing my midterms grades in place where I want them to me, not only reassures me that I am doing well and should be proud of myself, but also is a motivator to help me strive to improve on not only my work but skills that I need to work on as well. 

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