Wednesday, October 2, 2013

6I #16 How Will I Ever Find a Job???

   What do you do if your major can lead to a variety of job opportunity, but you don’t know what it is exactly that you want to do? All you have to do is walk into the Wintergreen Building and head on over to Career Services, and they are ready to assist you.
                Career Services offers one-on-one sessions to help guide you into the direction that you want might you want to go and if you find that it doesn’t work for you, they’re there to help find something that does. What happens if you find the perfect job, but you are terrible at interviews? No worries!! They have an online tool called the Perfect Interview, which simulates a typical job interview and you answer the questions as many times as you want until you feel comfortable with answering it in person. They also have a self-assessment test called FOCUS, which I had to take for my Recreation and Leisure class, and it is surprisingly accurate when it came to determining the type of job that I am looking for. If you go on their website there is a career services handbook which can guide you with your major, potential jobs and internships, and getting experience in your desired field.
here's the link to the self-assessment:
(sign in with your myscsu information and use access code "owls")

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