Monday, October 7, 2013

7V What is Exactly is Failure?

Failure: omission of occurrence of performance
              a sate of inability to perform a normal function.
Ignorance: lack of knowledge, education, or awareness
Syllogism: a deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and minor premise and       conclusion.

                To me failure can mean two different things; someone who does something wrong but learns from their mistakes, and someone who is afraid to take risks. Failure relates directly to us as college students because really the only way to find what styles work for us, whether it is in our academic or personal lives, we had to at one point failed at some aspect to get us to where we are now. Thomas Edison, I think, hit the nail on the head when it came to the idea of failure, he said, “I did not fail, I only found 1000 ways how to not to make a light bulb”. If you learn from your mistakes, then you are truly never failing.
                Other words that relate to failure are ignorance and syllogism. The saying “ignorance is bliss”, is false in my opinion. A person needs to have the knowledge that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. Syllogism is a type of arguments, and example would be, “all men are human, all humans are mortal, and therefore all men are mortal”. I think this is how people see failure, they see it as a mistake, and mistakes are bad, so that must mean that failure is bad; when in actuality failure is just a learning experience, and is what makes us humans.

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