Delayed Gratification: the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward.
Willpower: 1) the strengths of will to carry out one's decisions, wishes, or plans.
2) the ability to control oneself and determine one's actions.Metacognition: awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes.
What is delayed gratification? Basically
it is just self-control, holding out on temptation for a greater reward. Delayed
gratification is important because it helps you realize and teaches you that
waiting for something, instead of just settling for what’s easier is the
smarter choice because it helps to teach and define self-control which is an
important trait to have going through life.
Willpower, which is the ability to
carry out one’s desires, and metacognition, thinking about thinking, also go
along with delayed gratification. Willpower helps a person to resist the
temptations of taking the road where you won’t face that hard of a challenge,
and metacognition allows the person to think a situation through more carefully
and help them to come to the conclusion that the reward for waiting is greater
than settling for what is convenient.
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